Whether you’re looking to lose a lot or a little weight, exercise is an important component of any weight-loss plan. But that hardest part of the journey is just being committed to start. This is an area that I often struggle with, I want the results but oftentimes I lose motivation to get just get the process started.
If you struggle with the overwhelming idea of working to meet your goals, use these helpful tools to help you jumpstart your fitness journey.
Should I create a daily workout plan?
YES!! Make a plan consisting of which muscle group you'll work on, how many reps, and equipment you'll use. This way, you'll work harder and know your fitness goals easier.
11 Tips to Begin Your Workout Journey
Define your WHY? - -why do you want to start this fitness journey?
Set up a list of realistic/conservative health and fitness goals
Remember to remain flexible - make adjustments in your day to accommodate your workouts
Don’t procrastinate
Clean up your eating habits
Find a workout plan that you like
Embrace rest time
Engage in an offbeat fitness activity when you can - zumba, yoga, bike riding, hiking
Find someone to support you
Don’t let your cheat days ruin your progress
Make sleep a priority
Look for a place to start? Use this weekly workout plan to get your started and then grow and go from there!